
The 财政援助办公室 is dedicated to assist students in accomplishing their academic goals by minimizing financial barriers.

FAFSA applicants will be considered for all types of financial aid listed below. CA梦想法案 applicants will be considered for the state funded programs denoted with an asterisk (*).

Students who demonstrate significant financial need may qualify for grant aid while students with less need may obtain low cost loans.

Your Financial Aid is awarded based on Full-Time Enrollment (12 or more units), and will be adjusted at the University Census Date - established by Admission and Records - based on your final enrollment status.

重要提示: Each financial aid program will provide a basic eligibility criteria; meeting the basic eligibility criteria does not guarantee a student to receive the award.

Understand your Financial Aid Offer Letter在新窗口中打开

Csu净价 & 成本计算器(csunpcc)

使用 净价计算器在新窗口中打开 to get an estimate of your financial aid eligibility.  The use of the 净价计算器 does not constitute an actual financial aid award.  To receive financial aid from California State University campus, you must complete either the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or the California 梦想法案 (CDA) Application.  看到 如何申请在新窗口中打开


Eligibility for financial aid is the amount that remains after the student's Expected Family Contribution (EFC) is subtracted from the cost of education.  The cost of education is the amount the University estimates the student will spend to attend college for the academic year.  The cost of education includes the basic tuition fee, 各种校园费用, 食宿, 书, 供应, transportation and miscellaneous personal expenses.


私人教育贷款 have different terms and conditions compared to the Federal Direct loans.  To better your search and obtain competitive interest rates, we highly advise you to compare current Federal Direct loan options prior to seeking private funding.


私人教育贷款, also known as Alternative Education Loans, help bridge the gap between the actual cost of your education and the amount of your other financial aid funds.  Private loans are non-federal loans在新窗口中打开 , made by a lender such as a bank or credit union.  These credit-based consumer loans often carry a higher interest rate and fees than the federal loan programs.  If you have exhausted all sources of federal funding and decide to borrow a private loan, compare lenders to ensure you are making the best choice for you.


Private Education Loan Applicant Self-CertificationPDF文件 在新窗口中打开


Student's Financial Aid Exceeding their 出勤费用 (Over-Award)

All financial aid funds are accounted to the student's 出勤费用. A student's financial aid award cannot exceed the student's 出勤费用. If a student receives financial aid exceeding the 出勤费用 - causing an over-award - the 财政援助办公室, will reduce the student's aid -- starting with the least desirable aid.  A student may be billed because of the Over-award.